Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Anda Found Me Again :)

Anda is an Etsy admin who featured one of my bowls in her "finds of the week" back in June. That gave me huge exposure, and I was so grateful to her. I learned then that she is also from Virginia, so we have that little something in common.

This morning, when I glanced down at the article clips that scroll across when you click on *community*, my eye was drawn to the trivets pictured, and the words "travelling to Virginia". I clicked to see the whole article, and guess what? My stripey table coaster rug is featured in the photo collage at the bottom of the page. Now that's a nice way to start the day! Thank you, Anda, wherever you are!


  1. Congratulations Jennie!!!! Happy dancin' ovah here...you and your work are really becoming so popular!!

  2. Excellent exposure for you and your work.


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