Saturday, November 1, 2008

I Heart Majaba!

For anyone reading this who may not know the magic of majaba, it is an Etsy shopowner's dream come true! was created by Etsian Julian Lievano; it is, however, "super unaffiliated" with It is a site designed to allow Etsy sellers to freely and easily access important data related to their shops, such as the number of "hearts" a shop or item has, or how many views the shop has gotten overall in a particular timeframe.

I enlisted the help of a very talented friend of mine, Sarah at GenuineArticle, to create a web ad for me so that I could become a Majaba site sponsor. She did such a fabulous job! Sarah worked efficiently and diligently to deliver a very professional ad to my inbox in a short amount of time. She gave me lots of drafts to choose from, and was patient with my requests for minor changes. I would highly recommend Sarah to anyone in need of any graphic design assistance! (You can see my ad at the bottom left in the shot above.)

My ad will run from Oct. 28th-Nov. 28th, and the cost was $55 for that special *holiday shopping* month. Since the majaba service itself is free (and priceless in my opinion), this is a small price to pay for what Julian has done for me as an Etsy shopowner. I know that I have gotten more exposure for my shop from the ad, and I have my fingers crossed that it leads to future sales.


  1. Aww, thanks for the lovely comments, Jennie! :)

    I hope that you get lots of business from your ad!


  2. That sounds good. Like Sarah (wonderful gal) I hope you get sales from this.

    I can't invest any more in my business until I sell some more!

  3. I second your comments about Sarah's work! She's just so creative and patient. And she gave me 6 ad designs to choose from! :)

  4. Majaba is really a wonderful tool and deserves all our support.


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