Monday, November 24, 2008

A Most Popular Item

I created these napkin cuffs with the holidays in mind. I thought they would look so festive at a special gathering! I love the garnet red with the bay leaf green. Would you believe my husband and I labored over the exact shade of green for an entire evening? I'm still not sure we nailed it.

Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought this would be a super color combination! Yesterday I heard from a friend that they were spotted here in the editor's picks (toward the bottom left). What an honor!

And this morning, I received a kind message from Michelle at naturemanipulated. She placed them in this GORGEOUS treasury. There are two days left for this treasury to be active, and it is on the second page of *hotness*. I have no idea how treasuries are really chosen to be on the front page, but wouldn't this make a great fp collection?


  1. Congrats for all your "sightings"! I think you nailed the green/red color combination perfectly! ♥Mannie

  2. congrats on all the wonderful exposure !! I think you picked the Perfect green. Great idea for a quick crochet project. I love them.

  3. Thanks you two! Would you believe these sold the same day I posted this? I'd relist, but I have to make sure the buttons are still available...hmmm.


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