Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Never Lose Hope

My orange and purple nesting bowl set got to be in the spotlight last night: Etsy front page, baby! Even better than that, they now get to go live in a new home. I made these back in September with Halloween in mind. In October they got lots of exposure and lots of hearts, but no buyer. I changed their name from Halloween Glow to Harvest Moon Glow at the beginning of November, still no buyer. And lo! On December 2nd, the right customer came along. Thank you to lusitania for giving them a final push in this beautiful collection. The moral of the story: never lose hope that a creation and its perfect owner will be united :)


  1. I saw this and sent over a telepathic HOLLA :)

  2. YAY for the exposure & the sale! I personally LOVEEE them and would have bought them back in October, had I had the money to (:

  3. Jennie - this is such a beautiful treasury! Congrats on being a part!!

    Would you please stop by my blog - I have an award for you!! :)


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