Monday, December 15, 2008

A Wacky Week In Review

Last week was craaaaaaazy! My husband was out of town, my parents were here from Florida, I had tons of presents to get wrapped, and I sold 21 items between Dec. 7th and Dec. 14th! As if that wasn't enough to make an already nutso person flip over the edge, I was one of the artists featured in the Storque's *shop local VA* article by Mel at backwoodsophisticate. Click on the link to see a photo of me and several other VA artists. The same day that came out, my friend Amanda at sygnetscreations sent me a message that one of my bowls was on the front page of Etsy! Thank you adornbyamysingley for including me in your collection!What a rush!! I'm still all full of adrenaline- better use it to get crocheting, huh?


  1. WOW! You really have had an amazing week! Congrats, Jen!


  2. How fabulous for you! And for your customers; your work is exceptional and they will own delightful items.


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