Sunday, January 4, 2009

Drum Roll, Please!

I am pleased to introduce the first quarter of my big ole custom rag rug! Making this has been such a pleasure. It is kind of intense to switch fabrics so often and still maintain the balance of color, shading, and texture. When I am working on this, I am in a "zone"; hubby knows that when he enters the room and sees me surrounded by my mountain of fabrics he should just back slowly away.

Adding to the excitement of this project is the enjoyment my customer gets from seeing her rug evolve. Each time I post photos to the listing in my shop (you can see the current ones HERE), I get a sweet message from her oohing and ahhing over the work I have done. For a crochet artist, it does not get any better than that!


  1. You're so talented (and patient). Great work!

  2. It is just GORGEOUS. Of course you know I LOVE all of your work. Excellent job.

  3. it's beautiful! and it must be so satisfying, getting such positive responses to your progress. :D

  4. Gorgeous!!! I can definitely tell that you've put a lot of care into where and when you switch out colours. It's completely worth the effort! :)

    LOL about hubby backing out of the room. Hehehe. Smart man. ;)

  5. How cool!!! You are one talented lady!!! That is not just a rug, but a piece of art!! how pretty..

  6. IT is coming along beautifully. Keep it up! I always love looking at your new creations =)

  7. That's awesome Jennie! Each creation of yours is not just useful, but it is a piece of art. I treasure them all :). You go girl!

  8. Sunshine is the perfect
    anti-depressant!! She lifts the spirit and turns a gloomy day into one of smiles, happiness, joy, and of course, Sunshine!! It is with much pleasure that I view her progress and marvel at your skill with the make my day every day that I view your work of art...made just for ME!!!! :) Thank You!


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