Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Coming Soon to a Bookstore Near You

Get ready world; my upcycled pillowcase bowls are about to explode onto the craft scene!

Almost a year has passed since I was invited to propose a project for the Lark Books publication Craft Challenge: Pillowcases. I can't believe the time has almost come for it to be released!
These are the projects that were just returned to me this week. My official letter said that the book will be out in March, and that I will receive my complimentary copy around the same time.

I haven't seen any kind of preview, so I'm on pins and needles. My bowls could be on the cover! My bowls could be on the back page! My bowls could be...*gasp*...not included! I won't know until I get my copy, but you can bet when I do, I'll be showing it off right here :)
Note for Etsy sellers: the editor of the book found me through Etsy- you NEVER know when you will be discovered!
Have you had any projects published? Do you hope to do so one day? Leave a comment!


  1. Oh, they'll be there!! How exciting!! Keep us posted ;)

  2. Oh, Jennie, how exciting!!!!! I hope that you are on the cover, your bowls would make an awesome cover. :D

    I've had poetry published, but it was in a very large book FULL of thousands of other poems, and my copy was NOT complimentary, lol. It was very exciting, though. :)

    I can't wait to find out what happens next! HUGS!

  3. They would be fools not to include your gorgeous items!!

    I am sure they are in there, and I would be very surprised if your things did not make the cover!!!

    Can't wait to see them!

  4. Oh I am so excited for you Jennie! I can't wait to hear about your copy of the book! YAY! ♥Mannie

  5. How exciting!! You must be bursting with joy!? Good luck!

  6. Jen, That is awesome. I can't wait to see what the inclusion will be!

  7. I will deffinatly keep an eye out!! CONGRATULATIONS!

  8. That's wonderful, Jen! I agree with Sarah; your bowls would make a gorgeous front cover. I, too, am published in a book of poetry, but alas don't have a copy. *HUGS!*


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