Thursday, February 5, 2009

Easter Preview

It's not too early to be dreaming of spring, is it? Here is my latest creation ~
the upcycled Easter basket!
I'd love to make more of these for my shop, but I need some input...
what size should I make them?
Please do leave a comment with your input!


  1. Love, love, love that!!!
    Not sure I can give you input on size, but I think they would be a big seller!!!

  2. I think this is going to be a huge hit in your shop, Jen. I would suggest a basket big enough to fit a chocolate bunny (in the package) and some other goodies. :-)

  3. Rosey, what a WONDERFUL idea!!! My gosh, you are always thinking ahead and coming up with the best ideas. Those baskets are gonna do real well in your shop. You better bring some supplies on vaca with you and get started right away. ;)
    Sorry i can't really help you with size but i would suggest that you make a small, medium and large basket... a little variety is always good. 2 thumbs up!!!

  4. Lovely...just lovely...and so very perfect a use for some of those great vintage fabrics you manage to latch onto! I would also go least as big as a good sized fruit bowl...easier for Peter to fill with Easter treats and later...for guest towels or potpouri or pretty soaps....ahhhh, beautiful baskets are a joy to display! Good Luck with them!

  5. This is my new favorite thing in the world.. so pretty and the absolute perfect colors! I can't tell exactly what size this one is, but a couple of variety of sizes would be great to have available.


  6. that is so springy and cheerful! i could see it being a hit!

    seems like 6 inches is just big enough for a chocolate bunny. maybe that sort of thing would be a good medium size? or 8-10 inches or so for a basket that would be able to accomodate lots more candy. :)

    yes, i got out my tape measure. i'm a knitter, i have these things around. 7 inches and 9-10 inches maybe? 9 would be more the size of a standard easter basket, i would think.

  7. Beautiful Jennie!

    Make mine 24 inches and in purple please!

  8. Let's see... jelly beans, chocolate eggs, decorated eggs, chocolate bunnies, peeps... hmmm, sounds like a big basket is in order! So gorgeous - why didn't we have pretties like this when I was younger??!!!

  9. Omigosh- those are SO cute!!! I would make some tiny little ones that people could use as party favours, and put some Cadbury mini eggs in them (I don't know the rules on reselling name brand candy, but you could look into it), then make larger ones that people could use for egg hunts, and when they're done with Easter they could stash a few fake flowers in the basket, or whatever they have hanging around that would look super cute in there. :)

  10. That would be the MOST amazing easter basket! Just brilliant! I think it should be at least big enough for several eggs (a dozen?) and some good sized treats!

  11. Thanks everyone for your enthusiasm and positive comments! Now I feel like I'll need to hire a team of elves to crochet with me! I hope to get a few in 3 different sizes up by the beginning of March. I have a feeling I should have thought of this idea last September :)

  12. That basket is so pretty! You're so creative Jennie!



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