Thursday, March 26, 2009

And in the Sky...

...rainbows danced!

Only one more phase of the project to complete! Well, two if you count writing the description for the listing. Almost there, in any case; she will be 3 feet wide when finished! Let me know what you think of the new burst of color...


  1. Love, love, love it!!!!

    Very unique and creative idea!!!

    Can't wait to see it completed!

    Great job Jennie!

  2. It is fabulous!!! ♥

  3. Oh, what a wonderful idea!!!! :D

    Just when we thought it couldn't get any prettier, you found a way!

    Huzzah! :D

  4. I love the intro of the red hues..... very pretty

  5. This is so pretty! The colors go so well together. :-)

  6. AWESOME!!!!! What a brilliant stroke of creativity...your genius never ceases to amaze me!!!

  7. this rug is gorgeous...I'm an antique lover and it reminds me of those braided rugs from days gone by....just lovely! I came across one of your comments posted on Schar's blog and am enjoying your blog and all it's fun posts...hey to a fellow etsy lover/shop "owner"~nice to meet ya! :D God bless...Dava


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