Monday, March 2, 2009

Earth Day Challenge Fabric

My Etsyfriends team is hosting another challenge event for Earth Day, and I am planning a special something with this vintage sheet. Care to guess what I'll be creating?
*Stay tuned to this blog for challenge details...there will be voting and prizes!!!*


  1. Love the new fabric! I'm guessing another cat bed? Is it a cat bed?

  2. Hi Arthur- how lovely to see your sweet kitty face! Nope, not a kitty bed, sorry sweetums :)

  3. Umm, a lidded tool holder for me? :) (wink wink)

  4. Aloha! Wow, your blog is beautiful!

  5. ?? maybe a flower... i'm sure you'll come up with something creative! Can't wait to see the outcome.

  6. Thank you Kristin!

    Stephanie- that's a good idea! Not what I have planned, though...stay tuned :)

  7. A masquerade ball mask? With feathers and sequins???? :D

  8. Since the colors celebrate our planet Earth, I'd guess a picnic blanket! What better way is their to celebrate that particular day than to be in the open air with your family and friends! What a lovely little "spread sheet" that fabric would make!!


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