Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I've Been Spotted!

On a whim, I submitted one of my items to IndieSpotting the other day. Today, I got an email saying that my find has been "spotted"! I'm not quite sure what it all means, except maybe some publicity...well that, AND I feel kind of famous :)

There's my upcycled tray, right up there! If you'd like to check out the site and even submit an item of your own, click right HERE. Good luck!!


  1. Yay! That's so exciting. Congratulations!

  2. I am so proud of you, front pages, Indie Spotting, published work...
    And you are a great gal!

  3. yay for publicity! that's a wonderful compliment to have so much exposure, and it's well-deserved--your products and pictures are great.

  4. Mmmmm..... looks like a kitty bed. ;)

    Yay for the exposure! :D Your stuff is awesome and deserves all the attention it can get. :)

  5. Whoopie you are all over and I am luvin' it!! Well deserved attention my friend as you are a fantastic person who does fabulous work!!!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)