Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday's Secondhand Score

It was about 6 months ago that an ugly crash sounded from my bathroom; hubby had somehow knocked our pottery soap dish to the floor. Horrors! While I could have replaced it a million times over by now, I just wasn't moved to do so. Until Friday, when I rested my eyes on this sweet little guy! Vintage Avon (1971).... wish I had looked so good when I was 38 years old. I'm pretty sure I gave out an audible "hoot hoot" right there in the Salvation Army. Hey, it wouldn't be the first time! Have you had any fab thrift finds lately? Do share!


  1. Great find!!

    I found a special item for a friend this past week, can't wait to hear about her reaction when she receives it.... I love thrift store shopping!!

    Gonna keep my find a secret though...

  2. OH, I neeed one!! I love how you never know what you want until you see it somewhere else :) Off thrifting!

  3. Great find! I haven't had any yet this year but last year while travelling, I stopped at a value village, used stuff, and scored 3 pairs of brand new summer capri pants! That was the first time ever that I found something so good and they were like 3.00 each! And I also found a beautiful stainless steel 2 pot steamer, kind of like a double boiler but the top pot has holes to steam veggies in. I have seen these in stores for 60.00 and I got it for 10! Really heavy 100% new condition.

  4. That is such a neat dish. I haven't been to a thrift store for awhile...must go...I am sure I need something.

  5. aandb- you're a tease!!

    Have fun, Amy!!

    June, it sounds like you would be a super fun thrifting partner...we would giggle all the way home about how we got x for only x dollars!

    ooh, sassy- you must go...treasures await!!


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