Wednesday, April 1, 2009

And Lastly, The Rug Says...


I can't think of a better Earth Day message, and I am really proud of this creation!

This one of a kind 3 foot diameter round rug will be listed in my shop this weekend. It will be reserved for the team challenge event (details to come!), then, much to my hubby's dismay, it will be for sale!
What are you proud of this wonderful Wednesday?


  1. Just beautiful! I hope to request a custom rug similar to this one in a few years. :-)

  2. Absolutely stunning!!!

    I'm betting that it'll be snatched up quickly once it's no longer reserved for your challenge! :)

  3. Oh my Goddess this is sooooooo beautiful Jennie. You should be proud of this one. I am saving up..even started a SoSoRosey fund so I can order one of these beauties!

    I am proud of giving away the furniture I no need to someone who needed it:-) AND I have more room for another easel to paint on :-)

  4. Wow, so beautiful!
    I'm proud that I got a lot done so far today!


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