Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Bucket List

Nope, I'm not referring to that list of things that I want to do before I kick the bucket. We can do that another time, OK? For now I need some help with a list of uses for this upcycled bucket!

I crocheted this rainbow vessel on our trip back to Virginia from Massachusetts. It is made out of an entire used and freshly laundered, tie dyed, cotton jersey knit sheet. It measures 8" wide and 8" tall, and is sturdy yet super soft. It holds it shape, but is flexible and can stretch if necessary.

Say someone gave this to you as a gift...what would you use it for in your home? I'm hoping to gather LOTS of different ideas to include in the description when I list this item in my shop one day soon. Thank you in advance for your help!!!


  1. I would stick a little potted plant in it.

  2. Ooh- good idea, Angela- thank you! It would actually hold a pretty good sized potted plant- an 8 inch pot is nothing to sneeze at, lol!

  3. hmmmm, 8" x 8". that's decent sized so i'm thinking it would work good for the following things...

    * stick a potted plant in it and cover up that terracotta!
    * fruit and potatos would fit nicely.
    * as a jeweler or scrapbooker, it would come in very handy to collect paper scraps, tools, ribbons and so much more.
    * fill with crossword books, a handheld game, pencils and snacks and give as a gift for someone who travels or as a raffle item.

    ok, that's all i got right now. have a great night! xo

  4. I would put it in the fron hall to hold the mail until I could sort it

  5. What about a waste basket(possibly for you car), a yarn ball holder for a knitter/crocheter, toiletry holder (maybe a baby's room), or a crayon/marker/art supply holder for kids.

    That's all I can think of! :)

  6. You guys are fantastic! Thank you so much- this list is great so far :)

  7. How about:

    Pencil holder

    Paint brush holder

    Paper clip holder

    Change holder

    Makeup brush holder

    Qtip holder

    Key keeper

    Lined with a plastic baggie or something and it could be a little candy keeper

    You know I use mine that you made me for my paint brushes and it's awesome! It could hold craft pens, craft knives, crafty tools. Tons of stuff! Cheers!

  8. Beautiful bucket, Jennie!

    I came in late, so pretty much everything has been said. Great ideas, everyone! Here are a few more:

    -raffle ticket holder
    -pocket keeper by front door (keys, wallet, cell phone, etc)
    -artificial flower vase

  9. I would put it by the back door and fill it with sunscreens and chapsticks and the kids' rolled up sunhats - all those things you need as you're going out to play in the sunshine.

    In fact - I may need to buy it.....

  10. lol, Rebecca! Great idea about the outdoor stuff bucket :)

  11. Line with wax paper and add some potpourri and use in my office for a nice spring smell =)

  12. Use in the bathroom for washcloths, loofahs, etc.

  13. -On the dresser for rolled up/paired socks or books and magazines.
    -Use it to store pet toys.

  14. How about for when you bundle up silverware and napkins all together for a buffet or outdoor party. That's what I would use it for!


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