Saturday, April 18, 2009

Help! I Left a Piece of Myself at the PO

Meet Queen Kali- the giant bundle of joy! She was born a few days before Easter. I wrapped her up, and sent her off into the world yesterday. On one hand, I was anxious to see her get on her way. On the other hand, no amount of packing tape and insurance made me feel better about leaving her in someone else's hands. Oh Lordy- is this a teeny taste of what it will be like when my baby girl leaves home?
To ease my anxiety as she makes her 2-9 day journey to Missouri, I thought you might like to have a little fun with me! I would love to make an upcycled bowl in someone's favorite color, and that someone could be you!

All you have to do is leave a comment here with your guess as to the weight of the bundle pictured. Don't forget, she is a 7 foot diameter round rag rug crocheted from upcycled bedsheets.
The person who comes closest to the weight (in pounds and ounces, please) without going over, is the winner! In the case of a tie, the winner will be chosen at random. Don't forget to leave your contact info and favorite color in your comment, OK?
Let's have some fun- guess away!! Want to ask a question before guessing? Go right ahead! "Contest" ends at noon on Sunday 4/19.


  1. How heavy are bed sheets? Would love to see a picture of it on a floor, the colors look great!! How hard was it to do? How big a hook did you use? Sounds like a fun project to do while watching TV.
    My guess to weight is: 6 lbs.

  2. I am going to guess 25 lbs.


  3. Hi Audrey- thank you for the compliment! You can see additional pictures in some of my older posts or by looking here:

    It was not "hard" in the technical sense, but it was a long and cumbersome project. That I loved every minute of, I might add!

    I was able to do part of it while watching tv, but once she got to about 5 feet, she took up residence in the guest bedroom.

    Bedsheets vary by material and size. Most of the ones I used (about 15 in all) were cotton, though some were cotton blends. A couple were flannel and jersey knit. I used the largest hook I have!!

  4. Wow! You are ambitious! Beautiful! My favorite color is green and I guess 32 lbs. for the weigh of that beauty!
    -10oneworld on Etsy

  5. Jennie! Your rug turned out so gorgeous, and I love the packaging. I bet your customer is going to be thrilled. :-)

    My favorite color is blue, and my guess is 43 lbs and 3 ounces.

    Wonderful work!!!


  6. Wow! That would be a hard one to give up~ it turned out beautiful! It looks I'm going to guess 28 lbs. 4 oz???

  7. Beautiful rug! I'm guessing it probably weighed in around 52 lbs and 8 ounces. Blues are my favorites, any shade makes me happy. :o)

  8. Aloha jennie and mahalo for this fun guess is 17 pounds and 8 ounces!

    I know what you mean about letting go and send a piece of work on it's way. Beautiful accomplishment with this one my friend!

  9. What a lovely giveaway. I'm going to guess 12 lbs. 4 oz.

    Oh how I would love to win one of your beautiful bowls. My favorite color for a bowl would be Jadeite green.

    Thanks so much:
    Garden Painter Art

  10. I think I am going to guess 10 lbs. I love it and wish I could afford one of my very own..... I may have to become friends with your buyer so I can visit I so understand that feeling though of having to hand it off at the Post office. It never gets easier either =)

    psst. My favorite color is red

  11. My guess is 22 lbs and 8 ozs! Wow, it is beautiful.. :)
    Oh and my favorite color is orange. :)

  12. I am going to guess on the heavy end, at 36 pounds. I am probably the wrongest wrong person so far. But I know, when I braid my hair, which is only thigh-length loose, it loses about 3 inches. And that's because it's thick. And those sheets are thick bits, and you must have had to use acres of them for the rug, because I'm guessing each sheet covered less of the rug the longer you yeah, I'm guessing 36 pounds.

    Man, I am so wrong...

  13. It's never easy to let go of something that has been a big part of your life. Thank you for sharing its progress with us all. I am going to take a wild guess of 22lb 12oz. Believe me it will be harder when Sophie leaves you.

  14. hi roseygirl! now i see why you couldn't tell me in the thread, hehe. i'm gonna go with 35.5 lbs. i could imagine it would be quite heavy but i don't want to guess too high.

    it's a beauty but i'm glad it's done and now we can see some more sosorosey projects in the making. :) xo

  15. The rug is just gorgeous. Whoever it left home to go live with is going to be VERY happy. I can't imagine how difficult that would be to make as it got bigger & the weight increased.


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