Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Going Organic

I'm pretty sure that when yarn store owners see me coming, they start rubbing their hands together and emitting an evil mwuahahahaha as dollar signs light up their eyes. I am unable to control myself around beautiful yarn!!
I have been toying around with a new napkin cuff design- something extra ruffly and girly- and when I saw this new color in my favorite organic yarn, that was all she wrote. I justified the purchase with the fact that I've been wanting to add more organic products to my shop. The yarn is pricey, though, and that will have to carry over to the item cost. I hope they are popular because I LOVE working with this cotton- it is just so soft to the touch and to the eye.
I finished these cuffs off with some vintage repro etched shell buttons that I have been saving for just the right project. This set of 4 will be listed in my shop ($20) as soon as I get fabulous pictures that showcase their beauty.
What supply is your major weakness? Or should I say supplies, teehee?


  1. By far, my greatest supply weakness is gemstone beads. I start looking at my favourite online supply shop, and all the names sound so beautiful that I have to click on all of the links, and by the time I'm done searching through pages and pages of photos and adding things to my cart that I just HAVE to have.... well, I usually end up spending more than I had intended to, lol.

    I have tons of beads that are in no way showcased in my Etsy shop, but I have plans for most of them, I just haven't yet enacted a fraction of those plans! But that's why I say in my Alchemy section that I have TONS of supplies, so people should just ask if they have something specific in mind. And of course, if I don't have it, I'll get it! Because you can never have too many supplies. ;)

  2. Oops, forgot to say that I love the new napkin cuffs! GORgeous! :D

  3. Very nice! I LOVE working with the organic cottons. :) I need to get some more of my organics in my shop.


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