Thursday, May 14, 2009

Milestone Watch

I am soooooo close to a couple of big milestones in my Etsy shop! Actually, I just passed 400 sales this week, and that was such a thrill. I am 2 feedbacks away from having 500 glorious postive remarks about my work (or my buying habits!), and as of this morning, I am 11 *hearts* away from 2000. That simply blows me away- almost 2000 people in this world like my shop enough to have added it to their favorite shops on Etsy. With so many talented artists and beautiful shops to love, I am truly honored and awestruck by this.

I joked with some of my friends the other day that I'm one great treasury away from hitting my milestones. Then I got a message from Jackie at MonarchDancer this morning that she had chosen my tutti frutti bowlee to appear in her latest collection! Could this be the treasury that goes to the FP and pushes me over the edge with my numbers? I don't know, but it sure is a beauty isn't it? If you have a moment, please click on the will take you directly to the treasury page where you can click on the items and/or leave a nice comment for the curator. The more attention the treasury receives, the more likely it will be to get noticed by admin!

Have you been included in any great looking treasuries lately? And how about milestones- got any big ones coming up? Do leave a comment and share!!


  1. Woo Hoo! I hope it makes it to the FP! It sure is a pretty one.

  2. Wow!! Congrats on all your fantastic milestones--that's so exciting! Give yourself a good pat on the back for a job well done!
    Smiles, Karen


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