Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The First Step

I just couldn't resist this street art photo found searching Google for "Good News" images. No, my news has absolutely NOTHING to do with fried dough, but I do have good news to share!
Remember my post about Craft Hope from the other day? Well, it seems that Jade Sims is teaming up with Lark Books to do a Craft Hope publication! The current plan is that 26 designers will each be paired up with 26 charitable organizations. Each designer will create and share a pattern or tutorial for an item that would be most useful in their designated shelter/organization/orphanage/program. The hope and mission of the book is that crafters by the hundreds of dozens will unite and create the items contained in the pages...and send them off to the places where they are so desperately needed.
My news? I have been chosen as one of the 26 designers to submit a project! My project has changed about 4 times in the last 2 days, but I *think* I have it nailed down for now. The next "deadline" is June 26th. On or before that date I must have a detailed project description and sketch /photo ready to submit to the Lark editors. This promises to be a long and exciting roller coaster ride- I sure hope you will join me for the adventure :)


  1. YAY for you!!! how exciting! this is book number 2 for you!

    congrats rosey. xo

  2. What a great project- congrats on being chosen.

  3. I'm so proud of you baby girl! I know your offering will be awesome. I can't wait to see what you do!! How in this world does a mother who has no crafting skills have a daughter who has so much talent...I'm envious! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!!!

  4. Awe.... your mom said it best... Congrats!!!!!

  5. Such awesome news!
    Congrats and can't wait to see what you finally decide upon. I am sure it will be astounding!

  6. That is "Good News". I'm really excited for you. Keep us up-to-date with it all!

  7. Jennie, how awesome! Am so happy for you. And what a lovely note from your mom :).

  8. How exciting and wonderful for you jennie!! Your mom's note is precious!!

  9. Wow! That's amazing!! Such a profound project, and what an honour to be included!

    You're going to be a twice published crafter! Next step: your own book. ;)


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