Thursday, June 25, 2009

Keeper in Progress

Gosh, I've missed you! Life has been on the very crazy side, and blogging just had to take a back seat for a bit. But, I'm back, and excited to share what I've done on my new custom item.
The top photo is from my customer; it represents the colors she would like incorporated in her project keeper.
After lots of messages back and forth, these are the fabrics that were finally chosen. My customer would like an emphasis on greens and golds/yellows, but other than that, I have "artistic license" on color placement and design.

Here is what I have completed so far! This is 12" wide, and serves as the base of the keeper. I LOVE this color combination- it is so modern and fresh!
So, what have I missed in my absence? Please leave a comment and let me know how you are doing and what you are up to these days!!


  1. Ooooooooh!!! I love it! Beautiful! You really have been busy! So nice that you put pics here on your blog...this works perfectly. Okay, you're not reading this right? Cuz I want you to be crocheting :-)
    Love it!

  2. I love the colors! I can't wait to see what it looks like when you finish.

  3. This is gorgeous, and I am so glad you are back!!!!

    Take it easy getting back into the swing of things!!

  4. Beautiful!!! You did an amazing job choosing those colours, they do look just like the sample! I can't wait to see the finished product. :D

    It's good to have you back, too. We missed you! :)

    I haven't been up to much while you've been gone. I'm having a stay-cation with my shop in vacay mode, and it's been a nice break. :)

    HUGS to you et all!

  5. Oh my! This is gorgeous, Jennie! You are magic. :-D

  6. The colors are stunning! I've just been weaving my baskets while you were away.

  7. Love all the colors and how well they blend together.

    We missed you too! Welcome back my friend!

  8. That is sensational!!! I love looking at how the fabric is chosen to fit the color need.. Great Job it is looking so pretty so far =)

  9. Glad you're back - sometimes things just happen

    These colors are gorgeous! Love it! I do hope you will post finished pictures too.

  10. I really, really, love your project keeper, part 1! It's such a happy little dude! What a rush of "instant happy" to just dig your hand in...really a nice piece of work! You do have an eye for style!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always read them, and I always appreciate them :)