Thursday, June 11, 2009

What The...?

Who is up for a little fun? This is a teeny snippet of my Craft Hope project prototype...can you guess what it might be? Remember that some of the organizations/charities are for adults, some are for children, and some are for pets. Post your idea in the comments here; I will be back later to let you know who is right!! Or to give you more clues if no one has guessed correctly...


  1. I think it's a doll head, or a biscuit bowl for a doggie!

  2. I don't know where I got this idea... maybe left field or something... but I think a shoe or slipper of somekind...

  3. I think it could be the bottom of a vase or pencil holder type of a bowl. I don't know, but I am anxious to see what it is!

  4. My first thought was a shoe too, or slipper..... can't wait to find out!

  5. A cat bed? I'm sure that pet shelters need nice places for sick pets to lay down- your pet beds would be great for that. :)

    Can't wait to find out!

  6. Darn it, I was going with dog bed too. I'm sure whatever it's amazing!!

  7. I have no idea - but I love the fabric you chose!

  8. Congrats Sygnet and aandb!!! Yes, it is a slipper or shoe of some kind! Stay tuned for more photos tomorrow.

    Thanks so much to all who played; Some of you came up with some great ideas! I purposely didn't give you much to go on since *some* of you are extraordinarily uncannily phenomenal guessers.

    Thank you for the fabric compliment, Cottage! I love it too- such a pretty combo. Hmm- maybe my next treasury will be periwinkle and gray.


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