Wednesday, July 1, 2009


One of my all time favorite things in the world is having a super friendly and enthusiastic new customer write to ask me if I can make something special for them. I always hold my breath a little as we go back and forth ironing out the details; then the challenge of creating something completely new to me sweeps me off my feet...and I kind of hyperventilate with joy!


I had such a happening this week with a wonderfully exuberant fellow Etsy seller from Cyprus. The large time difference and two different first languages didn't hold us back, we had such fun getting to know each other and deciding on fabrics.


I'm thrilled that the *shabby chic* look is not limited to my country or continent! This is a sneakity peekity of what I am making for the fabulous Maria. Can you guess what it is?


  1. A bathmat? or maybe pot holders?

  2. I love the colors. They are so fresh. Are they place mats?

  3. Well, whatever it is, is bound to be a creation worthy of Maria's desires! The colors are quite lovely...they make a perfectly attractive pale pallet...chair pads perhaps? How lucky you are to have etsy friends from around the world...and that's what makes the world go round!!

    what is it? :)

  4. Ooh - chair pads would be fabulous! Definitely an idea to hold on to if that's not what they are!

  5. Beautiful colours!

    I would also have guessed pot holders, though they could be welcome mats?

    I'm curious to find out! :D

  6. Well, no one has guessed correctly yet. To be fair, I made this one very tough. I'll have more photos tomorrow, and I'm sure someone will be able to get it then!


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