Monday, July 13, 2009

Makeover Monday: 7/13

I found this beautiful 100% cotton Ralph Lauren bedsheet at the thrift store the other day. I washed her up and have been gazing at her, trying to decide what special purpose she could serve. The background is such a shabby chic vintage mint color, and those roses, mmmmm.
I cut her into 4 equal pieces, and am using a large hook to crochet each piece into a round like this one. These will be the beginning of my new to guess what I have in mind?? Come on, play along...leave your guess in the comments. I'll be back tonight to tell you what I am making!


  1. OH gosh could it ever be one of your lovely baskets.

    But I have a really good feeling it will be one of your famous bowls.

    I love your work and its fabulous.

  2. Hmmm... a mystery project, eh?

    Candy dishes? These are the bottoms and you're going to do walls that slope outward rather than go straight up?

    Or coffee mug warmers? I guess you'd need a gap for the handle or something, but a mug warmer could be a popular item.

    Can't wait to find out! :D

  3. I have no idea what you're making but I CAN tell you that Brilynn beads wants a set of curtains out of that bed sheet ;)

  4. So many guesses...and none of them correct yet!! There's still time to try again...I'll be back after the Bachelorette to give the answer!!

  5. A child's mobile?? to hang them over the crib... I know it sounds pretty far fetched.... I have no clue!

  6. A placemat! All four circles stiched together would make a very chic placemat for a suitably shabby New Engalnd type shabby chic very "sosorosey" in design and vision! Do I get something if I'm right? :)!

  7. Drum roll.....chair pads!!! Nicema- I think this idea even originally came from you- I can't believe you didn't guess it!!

    Now my dilemma is whether or not to make all 4 the same, 2 and 2, or all 4 slightly different. Opinions???

  8. super is that!! I think all four the same but slightly different! This way if the purchaser needs four (which is the norm) to fill out the table set of chairs, you're good to go; but additionally, each one a little diffrent adds that special sosorosey spark!! Although a set, they're each a tad different and special in their own right! If however, a person wants only two to set off a special vanity seat or a quirkey desk chair...viola! done! You're a it's really up to you!! :) PS...I didn't guess it correctly because you have soooo much going on I figured you were just working up another of your super ideas!!1

  9. Fantastic idea! I love the colors. :-)

  10. all different!!!!! this is very beautiful!!! come to my blog to see something!

  11. I'm thinking either a rug, or perhaps one of those new trays you're doing? Lovely sheet, working up lovely too! My mom was over today and she saw my basket in person :-) Loves it! So that's good...cuz you know it's in the works for her for Christmas!


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