Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rockin' Chair Pad

Clearly, things are too crazy in my neck of the did I forget Makeover Monday??
Oh well, better late than never, right?
You may remember this Ralph Lauren fabric from the cottage star set I featured a couple of weeks ago.

My most recent rug customer loved that fabric so much that she asked me to make a pad for her rocking chair. The rocking chair is 20" square, so we decided that a 19" round "cushion" would look fabulous.
I only had enough sheet for 18" (grrrrrr), so I improvised and used a plain faded red chambray for the border. This will be bundled up with the rug and sent off to the UK tomorrow.
Safe travels, my pretties :)


  1. So pretty! The improvisation really worked out well. :-)

  2. Such beautiful fabric! The chair pad it turned into is very striking in color and design! I'm sure your buyer is quite thrilled with how it turned out! Your selection of faded chambrey is the perfect compliment to the entire project! A most unique and personalized chair pad indeed! It will make the bum that much more comfortable knowing so much care and beauty was put into making it comfy! :)


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