Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday's Fab Find of the Week

Welcome to my new feature! I will still try to mix it up and highlight a *Friday Favorite* shop every once in awhile, but I've been seriously strapped for time. This should be a fun way to do a quick Friday highlight. So, without further is my fab find of this week.

Now, if she were just a bird, she'd be adorable. Can you believe she is MORE than just a sweet little bird? Better yet, can you guess what else she is? Leave your thoughts in the comments, and I will be back later to share more photos and give the answer :)


  1. She's adorable! Is she a salt/pepper shaker? Toothpick holder?

  2. I'm guessing a toothpick holder?

  3. uh she's adorable!!! and she does more than just look cute?
    i'm gonna say - a pencil sharpener. at first i thought she was one of those things for a pie... but i don't see a hole for the air.

    i can't wait til you tell us!

  4. salt/pepper shaker was my first thought too

  5. I don't know what she is, salt shaker came to mind, but she sure is cute.



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