Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday's Favorite Find

Meoooooooowwwwww! I found these sassy cat bookends this morning, and they are my favorite find of the week. I love their serious faces, stately bows and slinky bods... still trying to figure out what the receptacles on the ends are, though.
People wouldn't really want candle holders that close to their books, right? But I wouldn't think a toothpick holder would be the answer either. I do think these would be totally awesome on an office desk to hold ledgers and journals- maybe using the mystery holders for pens or pencils. Any thoughts?


  1. Pipe holders, for pipe smokers that would go into a study and read and smoke their pipes??? Just a guess...

  2. I suspect they are bud vases for delicate little blossoms. :)

    Sierra Pelona Crochet

  3. How cute! I love everything Vintage! <3!!! I'm new to your blog, I have a blog too, the perfectionists portfolio! I would be thrilled if you would come and comment! I am having a challenge to get 50 followers, you can read about it on my latest post!
    <3, the perfectionist!
    here's the link!

  4. Cute kitties! I imagine that the little receptacles are for pens, pencils, quills (hey, it could happen), or flowers.


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