Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Makeover Monday: Big Basket- check!

I tried to get here on Monday, I really did. And to me it is still Monday because I have not yet been to sleep. But enough of my excuses. Remember these rag balls?

Well, they are finally THIS:

I love this shot of looking through one handle at the other. This is also a great group of some of my favorite fabrics from this project. Is it weird to love a handle? Hmmm...probably doubly weird to love two.


And guess what? There is one big ball of fabric left...and I get to make stars with it for some very special people! Stay tuned for those, and for two other exciting projects that I have in the works. Happy Monday~Tuesday :)


  1. your big basket came out beautiful....

  2. It turned out just beautiful, Jennie!

  3. Jennie, your basket turned out beautifully. Wonderful job!

  4. It's beautiful Jennie! These last rows of fabric are so vibrant and add such charm to the final product! Now she looks quite lovely as well as sturdy...not so stoic as in the beginning, a lovely work of art and a wonderful use for those saved up balls of yarn...just sitting there all those years waiting to get into those magical hands of yours!

  5. I must say, you are very very talented. It turns out very beautiful!


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