Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Trick or Treat

You thought I wouldn't really get around to making bigger pumpkins, didn't you? Honestly, I wasn't 100% sure myself!

But, I'm thrilled to say that I did get to it, and I made a new shape to boot! I love the way this one can actually lay flat if you like...until it is filled up with candy.
It holds about 3 or 4 regular sized bags of treats ... way more than I should have around my house, that's for sure. With the lid on, you can pretend it isn't full of chocolate, though. If that works for you. (Me, not so much.)

Look for this one in my shop by the end of the week...price tag: $30! Love it? Want it? Send me a message by clicking HERE- first come, first served :)
What's that inside, you ask? My daughter's gummy pirate teeth- not included. No danger of me pigging out on those- they smell great, but they taste as disgusting as they look. IMHO.


  1. Jennie, you are a crafty genius. I'm sure this is going to sell immediately. Such a wonderful idea, beautifully executed, and in lovely colors. I'm glad you explained the pirate teeth. :-D

  2. Lovely combination of colors Jennie. You are one clever wahine!!

  3. I love it, especially the colors! It looks like it should still be on the vine!

  4. I love this colour combo, and it holds so much candy, great work!

  5. OMGoodness Girlfriend
    this is so cute!
    how cool!


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