Thursday, October 8, 2009

Leavin' On a Jet Plane

For a glorious week. Over a week...8 fabulous days! Tomorrow morning we're heading to Moab, Utah...home of high red rock desert, fragrant junipers, deep blue skies, slickrock fins, wide open spaces, snow-capped mountains. The place where I always feel like I belong. Where I breathe deeper and dream better. Where our biggest daily decisions are where to hike and where to eat, where to watch the sunset, whether to take a boat ride down the Colorado River or have a campfire in the canyon.
It's been two long years, and I can't wait to get back! Here's a picture of our little family from our trip in 2007. Now my daughter is almost 4- she is going to LOVE this adventure. I don't know if I will be savvy enough to blog while I am away, but I will definitely share a photo or two at some point.
I'll be back Oct. 17th, all refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to get ready for the holidays (I hope). Until then, be well- I'll miss you :)


  1. Oh! Have a GREAT time! Can't wait to see more photos! This one is just lovely! xoxo

  2. How fun! Have a wonderful time!

  3. and i'll miss you right back. :(
    have a wonderful trip jennie. you SO deserve it especially after the last one you had. xoxoxo

    have a safe flight

  4. Have a fabulous trip, Jennie.....wish I was going with you!

  5. Your trip sounds wonderful, Jennie. Have a ton of fun and enjoy yourself. I'll miss you!

  6. Sounds like soooo much fun! Have a wonderful trip!

  7. Lucky you! Have a wonderful time!


  8. Have a safe and enjoyable time! Will miss your posts...

  9. So glad I stumbled on your lovely lovely blog today, it's always nice to find other blogger out and about on the net!

    I must tell you that I like like like your nice blog!

    Agneta & Sweden


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