Sunday, November 8, 2009

Old School Jewels

Here we have a perfect example of my thrifting addiction. I rarely wear more than jeans and t-shirts. Sometimes I dress the ensemble up with earrings. My days of wearing shirts that need pressing, let alone blouses with french cuffs, are (please, Lord) behind me.
But yet, I couldn't leave these beautiful cuff links behind once I had laid eyes on them. I am so excited for them to find a new home, but I have a problem. I have no idea what these are made of. No idea of the style, or how to describe the materials. Do you have any tips? If so, please don't hesitate to share!
Don't forget to come back and visit tomorrow- I have a fabulous Makeover Monday to share!


  1. Well, it looks like wired mesh, and the button or whatever looks like what they used to call diamond cut back in the day.


  2. They may call it diamond etching now. The button looks enameled too.



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