Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow Day!

We are in the middle of a major winter storm! We have 18" of snow and it's still coming down- and will be all night long.
Our backyard is a winter wonderland :)

We are taking this opportunity to dress our tree, wrap presents, play in the snow, and drink some VERY decadent hot chocolate.
There should be a snowstorm on this date every year. It's absolutely perfect to have this time to thoroughly enjoy the warmth of our home, the love of our family, the beauty of nature, and the spirit of the season.


  1. Beautiful tree Jennie, enjoy the rest of the weekend !!

  2. What a lovely picture of the Christmas tree and the snow falling outside! Take care when shoveling out. I'd hate to miss your updates because you overdid it clearing the snow.

  3. You paint as lovely as you crochet! By painting I mean through your writings and photography you place a person right in the soul of Christmas; home, warmth, family, love! Thanks for the photos and the gentle narrative!

  4. Wow! How lucky are you to have all that snow while preparing for Christmas! It's perfect for getting you in the mood. It's just rain frost over here in England. But we all have our fingers crossed for snow for next Friday!

  5. Such beautiful photos! The snow is so pretty, especially for me here in (realtively) balmy California. I like looking at snow, but not having to be in it. :)

  6. the scene around your home is beautiful, we didn't get any snow this year (yet) may snow by Christmas. happy holidays!


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