Monday, January 25, 2010

Makeover Monday: 1/25

Last week was a little bit stressful for me. I had some major PMS, a customer I couldn't please, a to-do list a mile long that seemed to grow longer with each passing day. You know those weeks. So, for today's makeover, I pulled out a pillowcase that I knew would soothe my frazzled self!
Whenever there is discord and strife, there are always roses. Soft, pink, flannel Waverly roses- to be exact!

This fabric didn't want to be anything but a coaster. And guess what? I have the entire queen sized set!! Do you know what that means? Yep... I'm thinking rug. Want to get me moving on it? Just send me a message and say, "I want that rug!!!"


Happy, happy Monday... May your week be bright and sunny

(and rosey and pink)!


  1. want it, want it, want the rug! here's to a better week ahead!!

  2. I want the rug! Hugs for a better day for weeks ahead! (♥)


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