Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pricing Help Please!

I loved making the custom stars from the primitive rag balls provided by one of my customers. They were hers, though. I decided, after several inquiries, to look into acquiring some rag balls of my own. I went a little crazy, and am now the proud owner of 17 of them!
Some of the balls won't work for stars at all, but I may be able to use them for another project. I can, however, make good star use of 11 of them! As far as I can tell, I can get an average of 10 stars from each ball.

The average rag ball price is about $6. The stars are 5.25"-5.5" across, with an additional strip tied for hanging. Each is one of a kind. The fabrics are antique and vintage; varied, but mostly cotton. Lots of feedsack.
So, I ask you- how much would you pay for one of these stars? Would you prefer to see them in sets, and if so, sets of how many? I am trying to set a reasonable and fair retail price because I have wholesale interest in these and don't want to sell myself short. Please, please, please leave a comment and weigh in with your opinion!!!


  1. Very, very beautiful, Jennie. Maybe around $5 each? It depends on how much time it takes to make them. Certainly pay yourself the time it takes to create them.

  2. Oh, and as for sets.....that's a toughy. I think some should be listed individually, some should be with like colored stars, and others should be in a variety set. That probably doesn't help much, does it?

  3. I think five inches is a really generous size and since the fabric is vintage (which makes them extra cool in my opinion!) I would think $7 easy - I wish I could make them! Then you could maybe give a bit of a discount for sets, eg. 3 for $20. Hope that helps!

  4. If I dismiss the fact that I know you and imagine myself at a craft fair and I see these displayed on a table I wouldn't hesitate to pay $10 especially if it was for a gift. And if they're an additional incentive like 3/$25 then all the better!

  5. So I asked hubby and this is what he said... 3/$25 or $10 Each or even 4/$30. Now mind you he is not a crafter but merely a customer and he said that is what he would pay for them because of their unique and one of a kind appeal. He also added that you go as low as $7 ea but he would stick with the $7-10 window for each.

  6. hi Jennie,
    Without knowing how much work/time you spent on making the piece I would not know what is the "right" price to charge, but personally I would not hesitate to purchase it for $9-$10 a piece.

  7. Ten each or 3 for 28...and still a BARGAIN! They are a unique, one of a kind, work of art!

  8. So cute! I think $6-7 each and then discount for sets. (Maybe $15-$20 for a set of 3?)


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