Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Something New, Something Blue

I had a special request from a new customer recently- to make a baby blanket for her son. He has literally loved his original one to pieces, and is in desperate need of a replacement.

The first stop after the snowstorm: the yarn store! I found this gorgeous soft baby blue that is perfect for the job (lapis by Bernat Satin).

~*~ My customer is leaving the design up to me, but she shared that she likes the puff or popcorn stitch. I dug out my stitch books, and came up with this as the design.


I'm about a third of the way finished with this blanket, and I'm loving the change of pace. It's a new yarn to work with, new stitches, a new project- just the cure for cabin fever. Well, OK. Maybe not a cure, but a decent Rx. With 10-20 more inches of snow predicted for the next 24 hours, I'll take any comfort I can get!


  1. I wish you warm in all that snow! 10-20 more inches is crazy!

    That blanket is very cute, I love the color!

  2. Color is gorgeous! Lucky little lad....it looks very soft and cozy and warm....just like Mama's arms! Lovely work!

  3. very pretty and looks so soft...

  4. I too am working on a crochet project during the blizzard here in New Jersey. I knew we would be snowed in for a couple of days, so I am diligently working on a light springtime scarf. Yes, spring. It is just around the corner, isn't it? Victoria


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