Sunday, February 28, 2010

Status Update

I am feeling pretty proud of the progress I am making on the things I wanted to accomplish this weekend. I have a great start on having the spring animals gathered, I finished a snuggler order, and I have the new charm pack planned and halfway cut.
It turns out that the supply room organization is going to be a multi-week task, but I think deep down I already knew that. I have been procrastinating about doing it because it is such a monumental job. Basically, I have a room that is full to the brim with bags of fabric, bins of yarn, wrapping paper and ribbon, and, um, stuff. It is so full, that you can only walk into the room a few feet before you have to shift piles to get to other piles.
I know that I should snap a *before* pic, but I have to work up my nerve. It's bad, man. But what a makeover it would make! I have a vision of what this room can become- a vision that I didn't have before now. It will take a ton of work, and time that is so precious, but the motivation is growing. Would you like me to document my progress here? I sure could use a cheering squad!
Don't forget to come back tomorrow to see *your* makeover Monday :)


  1. Pictures and progress reports please Jennie :) I can't believe that someone has more stash than I do! (well, mines more junk really!-neither can my oh :)) I will willingly cheer you on! Keep going... You know it'll be worth it! Donna

  2. Yes, show us before, during and after pics. I was ashamed to take a "before" pic but wished I had when I finished. Having the "before" pic shows how much work went into the job.

  3. You can do it, Jennie! It's going to be one heck of a Makeover Monday and we're all going to be so proud of you. :-)

  4. I'm with you all the way girl!! Before, in-between, after make great "I feel wonderful and so proud of myself" moments...well deserved...with pictures to prove it!

  5. Well, I am sure it could be so difficult to share a before picture with the "world." When we blog, we just show little, ideal snap shots of our lives. No one ever shares a picture of a pile of dirty laundry or the dishes piled up in the sink--this is too real. I know I enjoy the art behind a photo: the subject, the colors, the feeling it may convey. Blogs serve as a great escape from the ordinary. But in order for us to fully comprehend the transition from start to finish, we would love to see a before image. And don't kid yourself, we all have piles or messes of some kind lurking around!


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