Wednesday, March 17, 2010


In my pre-baby, pre-Etsy life, I was a special education teacher. We had acronyms for everything! LD, AUT, ED, IEP, SLP, OT, PT... I could go on and on. I guess most professions are the same, and each can be completely foreign to a person who isn't *in the know*.
I've gotten to learn new acronyms via Etsy forums and chats and facebook. I'm down with LOL, and ROFL, and even ROFLMAO. I understand BBIAM and BBL and BFF. Recently I even learned IBTL.
Now the above (WWMD) is an acronym I say in my head every once in awhile. Kind of as a joke, but it does make me think. I know I didn't make it up, but I'm also not sure if it is widely known. Do you know what it means? Please leave a comment to let me know. Tell me some new or fun acronyms, too... I love being able to show my nieces and nephews that I'm not SO old!!


  1. What Would Martha Do

    I'll tell you what she would do: she would turn to her staff for help and ideas! Jennie, you are true talent.

  2. I would use WWMD as "What would MOM do".... I have a few for you, that I have learned from Facebook, but they are not G rated.... I am amazed what people type on that site....

    But here is one I just learned:

    NSFW it stands for "Not Safe For Work" when viewing content online there are warnings on NSFW content....

  3. I always use that as What Would Mom Do?

    Of course, that doesn't mean I'm going to actually *do* that, but it's alwasy good to stop and think.

    My personal favorite is WWBD: What Would Batman Do? Usually the answer to that involves atomic batteries to power and turbines to speed, which is much more fun than what Mom would do in any given situation.

  4. what would mom do...

    my teen nephew who constantly text to his friends all day long knows hundreds of acronyms, I have to learn from him...

  5. i like "what would martha do" - she is a sort of substitute mother icon isn't she? the kind that makes me sick.

    i didn't know what it means, and other than LOL - i'm embarassed/proud to say i don't know any of the others as well.

    have our lives really gotten so complicated we can't just type out the words?!

    gosh, i just got all kinds of crumudgeony there. sorry.



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