Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Makeover Part Two

As luck would have it, I had the exact same fabric my customer initially liked- and enough of it to make her the basket she envisioned!

I began by cutting the entire twin sheet into a long strip about 2 inches wide.


Then, I made the base. Here it is at about 10 inches wide, 3 inches tall.


I was so excited to start the loopy part! This is with one row of tutu fluff...

...and *eeek!* here she is with the double row of ruffles.

Finally, I finished her off with a super sturdy handle. I had to break into sheet number two about midway through the second loopy row. No matter how many bowls, baskets, rugs or trivets I make, I am always stunned at how much fabric goes into this work.


Tah dah!!! Here she is; 100% fabric, 100% ecofriendly, 100% awesome (maybe I'm a little biased). I really do feel like a proud Easter bunny helper, though.


  1. ooooh, the ruffles are darling!!! your buyer had a great idea there. you do such wonderful work jennie! (ya, i'm biased too. ;) )

    ps) i said i'd be back to buy a rug when i got a house and i'm sticking to that. but now i'm adding something new- when i have a kid, i'm buying an easter basket! a little something else to look forward too. love ya!

  2. This is stunning.... one of your best pieces ever !!!! LOVE IT !!!

  3. Augh! It's too adorable for words! That fabric is so cute! And the ruffles! Squeee! Love it love it love it!

  4. Jennie, this is absolutely awesome! Nice job!

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! That is exactly, well, maybe even beyond my dreamiest vision!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are such a talented lady!!
    Can't wait to give it to my little girl, Milla!

  6. Yay!! Thank you all so much for the compliments- I'm blushing over here.

  7. SHE is beautiful!!! What a lucky customer you have to be getting a handcrafted item tyhat turned out so magnificiently! Great work!

  8. LOVE it. And I love all the helpful pictures. They give me a bit of insight of how you do what you do. However, I'm still not understanding the loopy stitch trick. Could you make that into a tutorial? I'm feeling crochet-challenged lately! Thanks, Victoria

  9. Thanks, Victoria- I'm sorry you are feeling crochet challenged lately :( I'm definitely not ready to do a tutorial for that stitch on my blog- it's my own special little secret for now, and I have some big plans for it. But since we've talked about it before, please feel free to send me a message with any specific questions you have, OK?

  10. Ooooooooooooo this is simply gorgeous jennie!! So bright and cheery! you do beautiful work and this one tops the chart!!!


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