Tuesday, April 13, 2010

All Abloom

Sophie and I took a little field trip around the back yard yesterday. Daddy worked in the yard all weekend, so we wanted to admire his handiwork and see what plants were coming to life.
We found loads of little wild violets in the side yard.

The bleeding heart plant that I bought as a gift for hubby a few years ago comes back stronger each year.

The berries are bright on the ornamental bamboo.


The azaleas are just beginning to blossom. Yes, that's a bee. A large bee!


I love to plant annuals in our windowboxes at this time of year, but it is always so exciting to see the perennials pop up. It makes me feel hopeful and full of appreciation for the nature that abounds in our little corner of the woods. What's blooming in your part of the world?


  1. so pretty... We are starting to see some signs of color in this neck of the woods.. Your photos are a welcome site that spring is truly here =)

  2. So nice to see little bits of flora and fauna from someone else's yard. Presently, ornamental grasses and salvias are starting to green up and grow up along the south side of the house. My cherry tree in the front yard facing east is starting to show its pink buds. In the back yard my dog wood tree is coming to life and my little pear tree has bloomed sweet little white flowers.

    I've got a few pansies in a couple of pots. Love those purples and yellows together--nice pop of color. And I just put an empty green metal planter on my porch today. Thinking about something red in there--not sure what yet.

    Although I've been sneezing a bit, I absolutely LOVE spring!

  3. these are all lovely flowers. My garden is very low maintenance and I love this time of year when my Magnolia and Camellia is in full bloom and the red Japanese maple is starting to show it's colours.

  4. Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing, Jennie.


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