Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Price is Right: Game 2

Welcome! Come join the fun- the more, the merrier!
The Game: I show you my thrift shop haul from one recent outing. You leave a comment with your best estimate of the total amount that I paid. The person who comes closest without going over wins!
The Rules: One clear and definitive guess per person- no amending your answer. Please do not choose the same answer as a person who came before you- check the comments before leaving your guess. Game goes for 24 hours- I'll post the real amount in the comments section, and contact the winner. Please be sure I know how to get in touch with you- either through email or Etsy shop name. Play nice and have fun :)
The Prize: The satisfaction of winning, AND $5 in "soso bucks"- can be applied to any purchase in either of my shops. Can be saved and spent at a later time, up to one year. Can also be combined with future "soso bucks" wins!
The Stuff: This week the loot is from the same Salvation Army as last week, purchased on a Friday- a non-sale day.
Owl mug by Golden Crown, E&R, Portugal and small solid brass owl
~*~4 perfect vintage berry bowls (unmarked) with aqua and pink flowers
~*~small unmarked vintage pitcher- more aqua and pink flowers!, and a silver plated ornate spoon
AMAZING green metal tea kettle by Fiesta accessories!
This needed major cleaning, but boy is she pretty now :)
Have fun!!! Can't wait to see who comes closest this time!!!


  1. I LOVE this idea! I want some soso bucks! :-D

    My guess is $32.

    I can't wait to see what the right price is!

  2. I am no good at all with guessing prices. So instead I am going to listen to the little voice in my head that is saying "$35."

    Of course, this little voice is also saying "I want some toast," so who knows? :P

  3. soso much fun!!
    ok, my guess is $46 ..i LOVE the teapot!! and the brass owl..and i would love some bucks, soso i hope that i'm right!!

  4. Okay, here goes....I guess $52! Good Luck to all who enter....a prize from "sosorosey" is a prize indeed!

  5. Love this game, hehe!! Ok, last week I was a little on the low side *ugh* my guess for this week is $51.

  6. I am coming in low with $19 (before tax) I hope you are a big time bargain hunter!

  7. Fun Game! I gonna guess...ummm...$27

  8. I am salivating on that big owl on the first photo! so cool looking. I'm guessing 37 bucks?

  9. Oh, how fun! I loooove thrift store shopping! I'm guessing all this was...$25?

    or Carapace, on Etsy- you know!

  10. Fun game! I am totally loving that Fiesta metal kettle! What a fabulous find :) I totally want it! I'm going to guess $38.

    (My Etsy name is ShabbyVintageFabrics)

  11. I am going to say $24.... but I wouldn't know how to thrift store shop to save my life!

  12. I recognize the pink flower/aqua leaf pattern on the white vintage pitcher. My parents had those dishes when I was a toddler!

  13. cute stuff! i guess $12 (hoping it was a good bargain day!) ;)

  14. Hi Jennie,
    Love those owls, they are so cute :)
    I was way out last time, -hopefully I'm nearer this time! I gues $41.
    Soso bucks sounds good to me!
    Have a great weekend Jennie.
    Donna x


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