Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday's Treasure

We just got back last night from a short trip up north to surprise our "Michigan family" with a visit. First we met up with my mom and dad in Pennsylvania. Then, we convoyed up near Detroit to see my aunt, uncle, grandmother, and cousins. My husband and I have not seen most of these relatives since our wedding almost 8 years ago. I hadn't been to Michigan in 14 years. Sophie had never met these relatives at all...and her only great grandmother will be 98 in May!

Here is our group (minus my hubby the photographer) at the Detroit Zoo. We are in a tunnel underneath the Arctic Ring of Life exhibit- the seals would glide right over our heads!


Next stop was Ohio- just outside of Cleveland. Here we met up with my sister-in-law and her hubby and daughter. Sophie's cousin is just 4 months older than she is. They had SO much fun together, and did not want the visit to end.
We met up with my mom and dad again the next day, convoyed back to Pennsylvania, and then kept on chugging back to Virginia. It was a whirlwind 5 days, and I have the laundry to prove it. I wouldn't trade a minute of this trip, though. The visit and the memories will be lasting treasures for so many people.
I hope you are enjoying your spring break too! Any special trips or plans in your neck of the woods?


  1. Glad you had a nice trip, no trips planned here.....

    I want Sophie's Dress... are those all different dogs on it ???

    Absolutely adorable !!

    Glad you are home !


  2. Thank you, Angela! Yes- those are all different dogs... it's one of my favorites :)

  3. Jennie, so glad to hear you had a wonderful family trip. All of my immediate family and my husband Glenn's immediate family live only a mile away. We grew up here in Oakhurst, and we never left. I guess I take it for granted that we're all so close together. We are all able to help each other out in a moment's notice. And sometimes we even run errands for each other.

    I am happy for you that you got to see family and happy for little Sophie to have met some new faces.

    Missed your blogs. They brighten my day. Really. So, being a little bit selfish, I am glad you're home!

  4. I love these pictures! It looks like it was such a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing. :-)

  5. Love the photo with all the generations! Sounds like a lovely trip with many memories gathered along the way.


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