Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday's Treasure

I found this luscious aqua lazy susan set at my favorite thrift store this week- it was on sale day, too! Five dollars!! I've decided to keep it for myself... it will give me incentive to reassert myself on the "big dig" this weekend. I am envisioning it on a cleared off craft table, holding all of my bits of inspiration. Silk threads on wooden spools, vintage buttons, old playing cards... mmm!


  1. that is a great price for those beautiful bows.

  2. Terrific find! You do have that special gift of zooming in on a truly fab find!

  3. Old playing cards? Interesting! I really like the color of this cool find.

  4. Yes, this looks like a keeper, Jennie. Love the colors, but also love the idea that you can store oodles of tchotchkes in the individual bowls.

  5. By the way, how is the big girl bed-transition working out? Does Sophie just love it?


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