Friday, May 28, 2010

Featured Friday Interview: Pt. 1

What handmade possession do you most cherish?

While I have many handmade treasures that I absolutely love, my most cherished is the Christmas Box that my father made for me. I received this special gift on the first Christmas that I lived across the country from my parents.
As an only child, moving to Utah when my family lived in Virginia was a big, bold step. This was also around the time that the book The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans hit the shelves. I read it, passed it on to my mom, who then passed it on to my dad.
This precious wooden chest, so lovingly crafted, came at a time in my life when I was so far from my folks in distance, yet closer to them in love and spirit than I had ever been. It is now filled with my best and favorite ornaments, and I look forward to opening it every holiday at tree-trimming time.
Wondering what this Featured Friday interview business is all about? This blog post explains the big idea. I'd love to have you join in on your blog, or leave a comment here with your answer. Next Friday I will tackle "What advice would you give to artists who are new to Etsy?"
Have a wonderful, safe holiday weekend!


  1. That is so precious! I can see where you get your creative talents. thanks so much for sharing such a heart warming story.

    As per your idea, I have also posted an interview Q&A =)

  2. Twas a true labor of love in making this box using glue and wooden pegs will always be my angel and I am flattered, honored, and humbled to have had a hand in making this gift for you!

  3. Jennie, this is so wonderful! I knew you'd come up with something handmade that's precious and beautiful!
    What wonderful, loving parents you have:0)
    You're very lucky Jennie!
    Donna x


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