Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Yay- Project Photos

Hip hip hooray for my sweet customer, Meg! She purchased this yellow pillowcase from sosovintage, and was kind enough to share photos of her finished project. Isn't this the sweetest dress -on the cutest little model?

Meg is a woman after my own heart- no scraps left around her house, no sir... she crafted a little bonnet for baby Byrd from the leftover fabric! All together now- awwwwwwww :)

Love these creations? Be sure to check out Meg's up and coming Etsy shop milkweedlove for more of her fun and fabulous creations. Thanks so much for sharing your project photos, Meg!


  1. Awwwww. So nice to get a glimpse of what people create after they purchase something from your shop. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Incredible, and incredibly cute!


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