Sunday, July 11, 2010

Makeover Monday: 7/12

I've been working with nothing but yarn for weeks! While I do love yarn, I have really been missing my fabric crochet work. I chose this tie-dyed shirt for its interesting mix of colors.

The ochre really pops in the final product, and I like how the rim ended up with a lilting ripple to it. This is perhaps my favorite thing about crocheting with fabric; no two items are EVER the same!
Happy Monday to you! How is your week looking? I am finally back to a *normal* routine after the post-trip recovery. I have to go to the dentist tomorrow, so please send good thoughts my way... it's one of my least favorite things to do in the world. And did I tell you that I broke my foot? No? Well, it's true. A stress fracture in two places, and now I get to wear a (black, heavy, hot and oh, so fashionable) boot for a few weeks. Could be worse, right?


  1. Your fabric crochet is beautiful. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers to healing for you, hope the dentist trip is an a OK one and sorry about your foot.

  2. Oh no, your poor foot! I had foot surgery in the past (both feet, separate times), and I know how cumbersome it is to hobble around and then finally graduate to a funky shoe/boot. It takes months from start to finish to feel normal again.

    My brother-in-law is my dentist, so going there is always light and full of laughter; however, I don't like the idea of someone tinkering in my mouth. Too close to home for me!

  3. Lovely bowl, Jennie!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your poor foot. I definitely feel your pain. I had to wear full leg braces (from hip to ankle) for several months during the summer. I hope you recover soon. <3

    If it's any consolation I have a fractured toe, lol. :-D


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