Monday, August 30, 2010

Makeover Monday: 8/30

I've begun to gravitate toward brightly colored fabrics for a more contemporary vibe. I knew this sheet would work up to be bold and fun.

Yep! Bold, fun .... and shapely. Since there are a few others selling basic upcycled pencil pots on Etsy now, I figured I'd go ahead and make mine a little different. This beaker-ish shape is juuuuust what I was hoping for.


Happy Monday to you! What's on your agenda for this week? Me, I have a doctor's appointment on Monday, a house cleaning scheduled for Tuesday, a playdate on Friday and a wedding to get ready for this coming weekend. And in between? There's tae kwon do to attend and fun to be had with my Sophie, a custom order for business card carriers to work on, and still loads of things to photograph and list in both shops. Whew!


  1. Oh boy, a busy week ahead of you.

    I wish I could crochet myself--I wish I was a lot more bold, fun, and shapely!

    Great picture.

  2. very pretty pencil pot. I'm taking my niece & her baby out to lunch, then taking them to the Dr. I need to get 2 paintings ready for an upcoming local art show. I want to paint & get my house ready for an old friend coming to visit this weekend.

  3. This is a fab colour and style Jennie :0)
    I've got a day at the beach the beach tomorrow, and the children are all back to school at the end of the week :(
    Have a great week jennie. x

  4. I really like this solid, unique structure. :-)


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