Monday, September 13, 2010

Makeover Monday: 9/13

Christmas items and colors have been the focus lately, so I went rooting through my fabric stash with an eye toward autumn.
A large, vibrant table coaster is born- ready to set the stage for a fall centerpiece display!
Happy beginning of the week! This will be Sophie's first full week of school. While she is busy learning and playing and growing, I will be busy working on my shops and craft clutter. I have the blue custom rug to finish, and a new rug order to gather fabrics for. Tuesday will be taken up (read: ruined) with a visit to the dentist and I need to make my mammogram appointment soon, too. Ah, the joys of getting older! What's on your to-do list for the week?


  1. Oh my Jennie the colors with this are D*E*L*i*C*I*O*U*S!!

  2. Love this coaster jennie:)
    Sophie is going to be soooo..tired this week you won't believe it! :0)
    I hope you both have a fab week.
    Love Donna x

  3. Good luck with the mammo. I'm overdue by a year or so--not like me to put things off...

    My sister is a breast cancer survivor! She was diagnosed at 37; she'll turned 46 on Halloween.

    My kids are back with a full week this week too. Catechism and soccer kicks in as well. Lots of running around.

    Love the autumn palette of this project. Beautiful as always.


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