Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday's Treasure

I've become a really big fan of ice cream this summer. And this one? Oh. My. Gosh. Run, don't walk, to your nearest grocery store. Make sure no one is around when you sit down to pop this baby open. You will NOT want to share!


  1. Oh, I've never tried that one, but now I think I might just have to! I adore their mint chocolate cookie!

  2. Jennie, you're not going to believe me, but hubby and I had some Ben & Jerry's today too. YUM! Needless to say, we had our own containers. I'm looking forward to trying this flavor. :-)

    Cottage, Mint Chocolate Cookie is in the freezer right now! Two little containers so we don't have to share. :-D

  3. cherry garcia is my current addiction as of late, I should try this one soon...


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