Monday, October 11, 2010

Makeover Monday: 10/11

If polka dots are fun for fabric crochet, hearts must be just as good if not better!

I crocheted the entire twin size cotton sheet to make this basket- she's a really nice size! Her speckly self is quite adorable, but I have something in mind to make her extra special.


I need your opinion ... If you had to choose one color to coordinate with this, would it be sprout green, teal, raspberry, orange, or rose? I'll see what the consensus is tonight, and will be back with the resulting basket on Wednesday. I can't wait to see what you choose!


Have a great week!


  1. how gorgeous, i was going to say teal but the green would look fabulous too! x

  2. It's so fresh! I think orange would *pop* and top it off perfecto. Xo

  3. I think that green would look great...

  4. I think Raspberry. It will make those lushous hearts stand out no end!
    Can't wait to see!
    Donna x

  5. I go for raspberry! No matter what frilly you add to her, raspberry will surely show off her "curves" to perfection!

  6. I think they would all be great, but I vote green. Can't wait to see it all finished!

  7. I LOVE the fabric! Very cute and beautiful, Jennie. My vote goes for raspberry.

  8. Raspberry wins it! Green was a close second. Let me see what I can do...

    Thanks for voting!!!

  9. Raspberry but second I would choose the green. It's spectacular, by the way.


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