Friday, October 15, 2010

Making Ready

Some of you may remember part of a black, raspberry and white rug that was featured on a makeover Monday awhile back. That rug was never born; my customer changed her color scheme before I got too far. Since the customer is my mom, I couldn't be too upset!
So now I have her request for a set of matched rugs in blues and browns. These are to be two decent sized rugs, and you can't even imagine how much fabric and planning goes into this kind of order. I know I can hardly imagine it, and I'm the one doing it.
I decided to start with the smaller of the two rugs, so I chose 10 of the 18 fabrics I have gathered for this project. I cut those in half- putting one set aside to be incorporated into the bigger rug, and cutting the other set into quarters.
These are the fabrics that will make up the first rug. What do you think, Mom? Fingers are crossed that you like the colors. If so, I'll get started this weekend and have some progress to show you all for Makeover Monday!!


  1. You're such a great daughter! These fabrics all look great, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you make out of them. :-)

  2. Wheew! That's a boatload of fabric! I trust you implicitly so whatever fabric you incorporate, in whatever order, is super fine by long as we have no orange!! :) I'm just happy to be the very lucky recipient of the treasures you are making...special for me...especially because they are from my very gifted friend...and daughter! XOOXOX

  3. Jennie, you are so lucky to have such a fantastic daughter/parent relationship :)
    I hope I have the same with my children when they grow up :) x
    I love, love, love the raspberry edged bowl from a few days ago. GORGEOUS!
    Thankyou so much for your kind words of support on my blog they mean a great deal to me :)
    Have a great weekend Jennie.
    Love and hugs,
    Donna x


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