Friday, November 19, 2010

Daily Dose of Cute

Why oh why did they stop making adorable pincushions like this? I don't even USE pins for goodness sakes, and I love this. I have a CAT, and I can't resist this little guy! That said, I will be letting him go live in a home where he can really fulfill his true purpose. Look for him in sosovintage soon!
ps- that makeover I told you about? It will be here tomorrow!


  1. OMGoodness---that is adorable!! I do use pincushions, and have gotten some really cute ones, both new and vintage, as gifts, and then there are some that I've bought myself (lack of impulse control, lol).
    Smiles, Karen

  2. Hes a cutie,thanks for sharing.

    Happy weekend!

  3. Oh that is cute. I have bought a few pincushions myself.


  4. He is absolutely adorable Jennie:)
    I hope his new owners appreciate him:)
    Have a great weekend Jennie.
    Donna x


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