Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Daily Dose of Cute

Who knew skunks could be so adorable? I love the way she looks like she's waiting for some affection, and he isn't quite sure what to do. Just like a man, lol.


This porcelain couple by Lefton *should* be found in sosovintage soon. I have a bit of a back log of things to do, so I may have to keep them all to myself for a few days :)

1 comment:

  1. I had a pet skunk as a kid. Back in the day when people weren't so "leave the wildlife alone" conscious. Actually my Dad brought it home. It's name was Ralph and I would walk it on a leash and we built it a big humongous fort in our yard. It bit me once when I bet down to pet it. Latched onto my finger and I was shaking my finger back and forth and Ralph was hanging on all the while blood poured down my arm. If I were Ralph I would have bitten me too. He dug up under his fort and escaped and we never found him again. Ralph wasn't as cute as those.



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